That's Chiclet. Like everyone else I know, I won't be seeing her for at least another year. I guess while I'm stateside it's only natural that I dwell on missing my life in Jersey, but I expect to get happily distracted once I leave for India.
Beach week just ended and was a solid finale to senior year, complete with teenage debauchery, Sleazside Heights, and enough light beer to fill a lake. I'm doing my best to cram in my summer fun before I leave on the 15th of July, which only gives me 12 more days. So far, so good. I plan to hike solo in New Hampshire sometime soon and nab a few White Mountain peaks before it's too late. I basically view the trip as my one-man, mountain-conquering Goodbye America tour. Hiking on the Appalachian Trail is about the most American thing I can do short of eating McDonalds while watching Nascar on the 4th of July. Besides, a cracker needs some open space after all this time in suburbia.
I'll do my best to keep this blog loaded with interesting pictures while I'm gone, but be warned that I have a habit of prefering to remember things than to document them. Really, nobody likes the kid at the party who stops you mid laugh to take a picture. Sorry, kid--I know you mean well.
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