And We're Back
For those of you hoping for a detailed explanation of where the hell I've been this past while: Ha. You're not getting it. Just trust that I met Christmas and New Years with good times, good people, fire, mountains, and not a single Christmas song. I actually will have pictures in the next three days showing where I've been. "Actually" meaning that it will be done unlike my other weak blog promises.
But on to pressing matters. Tomorrow, January 14th, is Kite Day. At 9am every living and breathing person should find the gustiest, hopefully highest spot in their region and fly whatever they can get their hands on. In Jalgaon they sell simple yet elegant 2 rupee tissue paper kites. In the evenings kids tie candles to string below the kite and tape a piece of glass to nose of the kite and have dogfights. According to Indian kids street rules, if you cut someone else's kite the defeated kite belongs to you. Not surprisingly, there are plenty of fights between the kids who own one kite and the ones who have sharp glass and adept flying skills.
Don't think Kite Day is some Indian tradition. It's a global responsibility that the rest of us have been neglecting. You've been warned-- get flying.
Welcome back, bro.
have you ever read kite runner-- watch out!
just kidding, update soon. also, check your gmail i wrote you something.
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