Pandu Lena
After waking up at 4 and walking to a temple for Dandia Festival worship, I convinced one of the people I was staying with to bring me to some Buddhist caves on a nearby hill. According to most Hindus you talk to, the 20-odd caves were created in five nights by five brothers (Pandu) Hindus believe a lot of bulljive when it comes to God, including that whistling at night will bring ghosts, sitting in certain trees will have you dead in less than a day, and that the colorful creation of earth stories are fact: Mountains are made when Lord Krishna pushes them up with his pointer finger. As silly as it sounds, my dad pointed out that craziness isn't limited to India. In the US, most people will tell you that the world is 6,000 years old.
Hinduism is exceptional for letting anyone worship whatever religion they want, but only because Hindus take credit for everyone from Allah to Jesus. "Well sure you can be Christian...because we created it and it's really Hinduism"
Oh religion, your persistence is admirable.